Brahmas Ticket Drive

  • Brahmas, Salute to our Troops Ticket Drive

    San Antonio is “Military City USA”, one of the largest concentrations of military bases in the United States. To show our support and appreciation, we’ll be donating tickets to active service members for the chance to enjoy a Brahmas game!

    Your company can show its appreciation also by helping us donate tickets to active service members. With your donation, we’ll proudly put your support on display.

  • Brahmas Contact

125 tickets will be donated to active service members for a Brahmas game on your behalf and your company will receive in-game and social media recognition and an opportunity to interact with fans on game day, thanking you for your contribution.

  • Proudly display your support of our service members here in “Military City USA”
  • Tickets donated are primarily made available to local military recruits who came to San Antonio for training
  • Limited availability – only four (4) companies, max, recognized for donation each game

Speak with A Sales & Experience Manager

For more details or interest in donating, please submit your info below and one of our Brahmas reps will reach out to you directly.


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